[News] Python's popularity keeps growing

Every year, GitHub publishes some statistics on the most popular languages on its platform, called Octoverse.

In 2017, Python was the second most popular language (behind Javascript), with over 1 Million opened pull requests. In the year 2016, it was in third right behind Java.
The most forked repository was TensorFlow, written in Python.

The Long Term History of the TIOBE index shows also, that there is a growing trend for Python's popularity. Where in 1998, Python's rank used to be at position 26, is it by now in Feb. 2018 at position 4, right behind C++ at the third position, C at the second and Java as the most popular programming language.

The TIOBE index is good for developers to check, if their knowledge about programming languages is still up to date, or to check what languages might be useful to learn for the future.

How is the TIOBE index being assembled you might ask? Basically, it counts the search engines hits.
The selected search engines are the 25 highest ranked websites of Alexa.
If you want to read more about how the index is calculated, you can visit: https://www.tiobe.com/tiobe-index/programming-languages-definition/.

So good news for Python developers, because it seems like Python's popularity keeps growing, or at least, will stay for a while.

What do you think about it? Will Python's popularity grow even further or do you think it has reached its maximum and will drop in the future?

Leave a comment about your thoughts. :)


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